This is a really lovely experience where you will both receive a back, neck, shoulder and head massage plus Reiki healing. At the end of the experience, I will pull you a card each and give you a little message. You can also upgrade to receive a reading each.
Popular with couples, pals, mums & daughters...
This experience is priced at £35 per person and the upgrade is £20 per person.
This is a very deeply relaxing experience for 2 which will take you on a journey of relaxation, meditation and healing.
You will be lay down on a comfortable heated bed and I will guide you through a meditation to help relax and calm you. Then, the beautiful healing energies of the Reiki will start.... healing of mind, body and soul.
This is a very deeply relaxing experience for 2 which will take you on a journey of relaxation, meditation and healing.
You will be lay down on a comfortable heated bed and I will guide you through a meditation to help relax and calm you. Then, the beautiful healing energies of the Reiki will start.... healing of mind, body and soul.
Your senses will then be engaged with the most beautiful sounds which will take your relaxation and healing to another level.... you will simply follow the calming and soothing sounds of chimes, bowls and much more.
At the end, I will pull you both a card and give you a little message.
This is experience is priced at £35 each.
You can upgrade to receive a reading each. Price for the upgrade is £20 per person.
This is a very special experience for 2.
During this experience, you will both receive a Reflexology treatment and Reiki healing. At the end, I will pull you a card each for a little message.
You can also upgrade to receive a reading each.
Perfect for couples, friends, Mum & Daughter etc
Price is £40 per person.
The upgrade is £20 per person.